Monday, February 17, 2014

Thing 4: Keeping Up

True Confessions: I didn't download one of these suggested apps, because I already use Feedly. I used to use Bloglines and Google Reader inside iGoogle, but switched to Feedly after hearing that Google was pulling the plug on iGoogle. I especially like how Feedly works on my phone. It's super easy to quickly scan a lot of feeds. I know some people don't see a need for RSS in the age of Twitter, etc., but I think it serves a different purpose. I like longer form news that I track via RSS, and hope it doesn't go away unless there's a new technology that accomplishes the same purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for signing up. My name is Eddy and I am a coach for the 23 Mobile Things Blog. I will be following along and responding to questions and comments. I Look forward to reading your postings.
